1st time reject
thursday liao... gonna end of e term. got to study for exams..
stupid Jason(ex-classmate) borrowwed my notes to copy , haven't return me yet.
den how m i gonna study? better hurry him....
juz now durin bfi tutorial, simon told me tat they have finish e econs report liao. den i go & take a look, his face like dunno wat..... heck care lah. at least they do liao mah.... hahaha & got include my name in ... unlike another bfi group project, they didn't even include my name for the project. darn....
yesterdae got e appreciation party for Morby & they all had fun by sprayin whipped cream on him......... hahah. every body was laughin their head off......
then we got birthday cake for Elizabeth... haven't give her bdae present leh. later must give her.
den veri happenin leh..... halfway eatin dinner, Hong Chen went off & said he have to discuss stuffs with dunno who. den Shush followed him, i didn't suspect anything lah.. coze Shush alwaz like to stick with ppl one, kaypoh.......
den Jason(my son) had to send his gal gal home.
den only left me with Maurice.
den i start to feel funny & uneasy with only me & Maurice.
den i was still eatin mah......
den after i eat my wanton noodles....
den Maurice said that he have something to give me..........
den i was thinkin wat izzit he want to give me...
den he say tat he got somethin to tell me.........
den i started to feel something's gonna happen
he say tat he liiiiiiiiiiiike meeeeeeeeeeeeee..............................................
i kind of expected tat answer.............................................
i didn't expect he will tell me on e nite leh..
impt part is he say he like me since i got more active in the LifeArts club.
i told him tat i treat him only as friends.. better stay as friends. cannot imagine e consequences if my mom knoes that i go & get myself involve in bgr stuffs again.
coze last time i alwaz get involve in bgr stuffs, therefore my mom alwaz scold me, beat me. one time, she even cried so terribly.......... den i promise them loh........no bgr stuffs.
my mom actually didn't like me to get involve in clubstuffs since i got active tis year. but after much consideration, she allows me to continue joinin e club. but on one,1, satu, ichi,δΈ€, condition which is NO BGR STUFFS!
fine , fine, fine, fine, fine,fine.........................
by e way,i enjoy my single life. at home, got to report to mom, outside, i dun wanna get restricted or report to boyfriend.
i know lah.... Maurice will get upset which is obvious.....duh.
i even comfort him, say he can find a better gal. & he replied tat he finds that i m quite good, e best tat he thinks. oh man.......... shucks.
wat so ever , den i say i veri surprised & shock.
he even gave me a bouquet of rose.........to be more specific, a stalk of rose with some other flowers, dunno wat flower lah...........
i put back into e plastic bag...
after tat, some of my friends ask me how, how was e situation, blah blah...
e best part is, (worse part to him), i took out the rose & threw e rest of e flowers. better spare e rest of e details.......................
actually i find him okay lah..... though he may b a bit fat(fat coze he has asthma. since small, ate steroids, therefore appetite got big, & size got big...........), but he is a gentle giant.
struck me as a gentle, considerating, friendly & humorous guy.... can be quiet at times. he likes to do those gundam models, blah blah blah blah........
few days ago, halfway sleepin, i felt cold,so i covered my blanket, den dunno y, out of e blue, i thought of him. coze i thought of tat, he is gentle mah... so should be those type of guys who will cover blanket for gf. & i like my bf to cover blanket for me when i m cold...kekekekkeke =p
actually i did consider goin steady with Maurice, apart from his size & looks (i got to admit i do go for looks), actually he is quite a nice guy. but bcoze of e promise made to mom & dunn wanna break his heart, so i harden my heart & rejected him. of course duh,,,,,,he already have some mental preparation liao.
tis is e 1st time tat i reject a guy whom i dun like.. aww. there is a 1st time for everythin mah......
last time was i kena reject from guys.....=b
good news for last nite is tat, i adopted 2 new sons.... HAHHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
one is Cheryl's friend named Chong Wen who also have problems with his classmates. though i dun knoe much detail bout wat happen in his class, but i roughly knoe wot happen. i think they r givin him e cold shoulders, neglect me, dunn wanna talk to him......
i been through tat too...... i haven't counsel him much yet. will counsel him next time when i see him........ hope he will pull through.
another is Fu Ming. Morby's classmate& friend. tis lame guy is darn funny. known him even better since tis year.
looks not bad lah..... makes a easy target for makin fun & playin pranks on....hahahahah. he is also younger than me......... hahah. got more sons tis yr....
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