finally set up a blog for chiaki.. been wantin to do few months ago.
been busy , so didn't set up. till just now.
last sat, went to meet up with lawliet and some other doll owners. cuz we bought sd size handphone from her.
the phones are small and cute. and the dolls are even cuter! kawaiiii!
we sat at city hall and chatted while waiting for other doll owners. too bad, most of them couldn't join us for the photoshoot.
it was quite fun. we went to chijmes for the photoshoot.
link to the photos at the forum :
there were 3 of us who brought our dolls along. there is haruka hana (lawliet) , yuriko (alvin), chiaki(mine).
yuriko is the only gal doll. and she is soooo cute! and looks soo innocent in her kimono. haruka is veri handsome too.
my chiaki is cute too! he is lookin more like a caucasian, guess it is due to the blonde wig and brownish eyes and face up.
tt suits him a lot too. killer bunny offered to do face up for both my dolls. i was surprised. but i heard tt she do veri nice and professional
face up. think i'll let her do sora face first, den do chiaki's.
for the photoshoot, we came up with the storyline while taking the pictures.
it was quite interesting.
we took photos till 8 pm plus, den went off for dinner at LJS.
it was a tiring but fun day for us.
it is the first time that chiaki took photos with other dolls.
i feel veri happy and excited.
and as i look at chiaki, he seems to be smiling too, with a twinkle in his eyes.
chiaki, yuriko, haruka

chiakiii is gettin more cute lorrr... the blonde hair and light face up makes him look more caucasian.. heee
my ah boy.. i adore my boy boy a lot ...
when i tell my colleague tt i went for doll photoshoot, she said that it is a crazy idea instantly. i was disappointed, but i smiled and said that
it was my first time goin for such shoot, and it is quite interesting.
from now on, i decided not to tell other ppl about my doll stuffs except for the doll owner friends. haiz... ppl juz dun appreciate dollfies.
they think that we are a bunch of crazy fellas. my sis commented that we have too much free time to take such photoshoots.
we are a group of artistic gentlemen and ladies who appreciates and understands the beauty of dolls. LoLoLoLoLL.
seriously, i rather face a group of cute dolls and play with them, take pix, then to face my sis and mom. cuz they are so irritating, getting on my nerves everyday.
my sis keep spending my money by askin me to buy things for her, dinner, contact lense, misc stuffs. dinner is still ok. but other misc stuffs is unnecessary.
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