22 January 2008 , 3.52 pm
22 January 2008 , 3.52 pm
yippee!! The confirmation is in. I can process the trade! Great.
My the other senior colleague took half day leave. Sian nah.
Flu is getting worse. Haiz.
4.20 pm
doin filing now. Juz ate 3 panadols.. hope tt I can get better by tonite.
I miss my son. One more month to bring him home. Yeah yeah.
I thought of sewing a big bag, big enough to put a SD, when the SD is in their sitting position. The main feature of the bag, is that, on one side of the bag, the material is plastic. So that ppl can view ur dolfie. Realized that a lot of the friends who haf dolls, they had to carry their dolls on their hand. So, this bag will come in handy. As there are few advantage.
1. the owner do not have to carry the dolfie, and carry lots of other things at the same time. To reduce load off the owner
2. though the owner is not carryin the dolfie, but the dolfie will still be noticed by the public.
3. if the owner do not wish the dolfie to be shown, the owner can turn their bag, with the cloth material facing out.
Isn’t it a good idea? But, I doubt anyone would want to get it from me. Cuz there are some bags in the market with plastic material, serving the same purpose. And currently, in the market, there is not much ppl with dolfies. And most of the target audience are still students, and they do not have the finance to pay for it.
Aww… nvm. Juz an idea of mine.
I ever thought of venturing into the marketing department. Cuz I find this kind of job is more challenging, though it is more stressful. But the self satisfaction after completing the task is much stronger than office job. And the salary is good too. ^^ Think I will consider changing job within this year, but before that, I must save up a sum of money first.
But, my dream is to get into the music industry. Music industry in Singapore is not good. It is compulsory to go abroad. And it is good to start early. At my age now, I can be in the back production team. However, I do not have the experience neither the capital. So, it will be better if I choose to be in the management team. I have lots of contacts. So, I will gather, select, train the candidates to be in the production team. I want to start a recording studio. get the right ppl, groom local talents, send them to local and international performances, organize more local music events (Jrock, Jpop. maybe S-pop too.) need to diversify, in order to attract more audience.
Aaargh. Day dreaming again… yawnz..
5.05 pm

handsome eh? This is Asagi from “D”. he is the vocalist of the visual kei band. Like his vocals. Is low, deep and powerful. Veri few guys look good in long hair. But he is one of those who looks good in long straight hair.
Their latest album look. – Neo Culture Album -

I lurv the song named “Barairo no hibi”. The mtv is nice. I watch it at youtube. Though it is a rock song, but the song is catchy. The mtv is taken at green field, and thus giving it a relaxed feeling. Asagi is getting more handsome … drooolz **fangirl mode*** **wriggles neko ears & shakes tails**
They have other nice songs too. Eg. Follow, Kuon (can be found on youtube), Canon de Colca etc.
Asagi (vocalist)

Hidezou (guitarist)

Ruiza (guitarist)

tsunehito (bassist)

hiroki (drummer)

handsome leh…
5.36 pm
veri sleepy. Dozed off …. ZZZZzzzzzzZZZZzzzz
5.47 pm
woke up ler! Was woken up by a phone call. Thought it was my colleague who called to wake me up. It is a dealer from a broker, confirming the trade.
6.17 pm
still at work. goin off soon ler.. haha ..
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